The latest issue of Switch Player is available to pre-order NOW!
That's right, our dedicated Nintendo Switch magazine is back and Switch Player 72 is the same old NEW behemoth of Nintendo Switch coverage. With the Switch still performing well, and with games still coming we thought it would be wise to reboot things.
This third rebooted issue focuses on Mario and Luigi Brotherhood which recently launched, and there's also a whole host of brilliant features and content including:
- Extensive coverage on Mario and Luigi Brotherhood!
- A stunning cover themed around the game!
- Bespoke features from the SPM team and amazing freelancers!
- A new editorial and much more!
If you are interested in Nintendo or the Nintendo Switch, then this magazine is essential! Help us keep independent print journalism alive by supporting SPM.
Switch Player Magazine ships worldwide. This issue will release in mid-January. Open pre-order initially, with limited stock thereafter.